Thank you to Jetpack for being a Platinum sponsor

Jetpack is excited to once again be a Global WordCamp Sponsor this year.  Not only do WordCamps help us spread the word about our product, they allow us to connect directly with WordPress users with many levels of experience.

Jetpack is a WordPress plugin that bundles together a range of tools that give you the power to design, secure, and grow your site. With Jetpack, you can…

  • customize your site with free themes, image tools, and rich content.
  • increase your traffic through automatic social sharing, related content, and faster load times.
  • stay safe with secure logins and protection from brute force attacks.

All of these core features are free, or you can add advanced features like daily backups, spam protection, and SEO tools with one of three simple and affordable plans.

To learn more about Jetpack or get started for free, visit

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