Danke an unseren Gold-Sponsor (§) Marketingrecht.at

Unsere Sponsoren unterstützen die WordPress-Community. Ohne sie wäre das WordCamp Vienna nicht möglich.

Marketingrecht.at ist eine Informations- und Serviceplattform speziell für Agenturen, Influencer, Onlinedienste-Anbieter, Shopbetreiber, Websitebetreiber und Blogger.

Die Mission von Marketingrecht.at
Das Team von Marketingrecht.at will vor allem eines: verworrene Sachverhalte und unklare Rechtsfragen im Bereich Marketingrecht klar und verständlich aufbereiten. Alles Wissenswerte wird in kompakter Form zur Verfügung gestellt.

Law as a Service Rechtspakete
Die Law as a Service Rechtspakete für Agenturen, Webshopbetreiber und Websitebetreiber bieten Generatoren für Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen, Datenschutzerklärung, Impressum, Lizenzverträge, Copyright-Hinweis Disclaimer, Subunternehmer-Verträge, Dienstverträge usw. Sobald sich rechtliche Änderungen ergeben, informieret Marketingrecht.at umgehend über die Neuerungen. Abonnenten können sich Dokumente einfach neu generieren lassen und bleiben so rechtlich immer up-to-date.

Teilnahme an Seminaren
Rechtsanwalt Mag. Peter Harlander und sein Team erklären in ihren Seminaren brennende Rechtsfragen. Keine unverständliche Paragraphentexte. Keine rechtswissenschaftlichen Ausführungen. Stattdessen einfach und verständlich. Praxis pur. Versprochen!

Rechtsberatung erhalten
Hochspezialisierte Rechtsberatung und Rechtsvertretung erhalten IT- und Marketingunternehmen durch Juristen mit tiefgreifendem IT- und Marketing Know-how. Eine Rechtsberatung via Videokonferenz ist einfach und bequem über die Plattform www.marketingrecht.at buchbar.

Thank you to TOWA for being a Diamond sponsor

Our valued sponsors help support the WordPress open source project by donating to WordCamp Vienna. Without them this event simply would not be possible.

TOWA is an award-winning digital agency based in Bregenz, Vienna and St. Gallen. The headquarters in Bregenz is located directly on the border to Germany and Switzerland. The agency with almost 70 employees is specialized in digital corporate communication. The team consists of consultants, programmers, data analysts, marketers, creatives and designers who work closely together on growth-oriented, compelling solutions for local and international brands and companies.

TOWA offers enterprise WordPress solutions of Corporate Websites for KMUs, Multisite solutions for multinational enterprises, web shops, portals or intranet solutions. In addition to web and mobile development, TOWA offers a full-service approach from online marketing, business intelligence and customer relationship management to hosting and cross-media communication campaigns.

TOWA is certified by Google and Facebook, an international agency network, furthermore Salesforce and Spryker partner. To find out more about all of their products and services like Virtual Reality or Voice, visit the TOWA website www.towa-digital.com.

Diversity at the WordCamp Vienna

A friendly and welcoming WordCamp for everyone

Deutsch / English


  • Diversity and inclusion make the WordCamp better for everyone.
  • Status quo: Childcare, accessible access and talks in German and English.
  • Now new: Active search for speakers from under-represented groups and adjacent communities, more support for speakers, financial support.

One of the strengths of the WordPress Community is its diversity. No matter if our monthly Meetup or the WordCamp Vienna – we are a motley bunch with different interests and skills. Everyone is welcome no matter if beginner, professional, developer, blogger or designer.

Continue reading “Diversity at the WordCamp Vienna”

Diversität am WordCamp Vienna

Ein freundliches & einladendes WordCamp für alle

Deutsch / English


  • Diversität und Inklusion macht das WordCamp für alle besser.
  • Status quo: Kinderbetreuung, barrierefreier Zugang und Vorträge in Deutsch und Englisch.
  • Jetzt neu: Aktive Suche nach Vortragenden aus unterrepräsentierten Gruppen und angrenzenden Communities, mehr Unterstützung für Vortragende, finanzielle Unterstützung

Eine der Stärken der WordPress Community ist ihre Vielfalt. Egal ob unser monatliches Meetup oder eben das WordCamp Vienna – wir sind ein bunter Haufen mit verschiedensten Interessen und Fähigkeiten. Jeder ist willkommen egal ob Anfängerin oder Anfänger, Profi, Technikerin oder Techniker, Bloggerin oder Blogger, Designerin oder Designer.

Continue reading “Diversität am WordCamp Vienna”

Welcome to WordCamp Vienna

Deutsch / English

group picture of WordCamp Vienna 2018 attendees

We are happy to announce WordCamp Vienna is returning on April 27-28, 2019! It will be at the same great venue, UNI Campus in the Altes AKH.

Behind the scenes, the WordCamp Vienna organizing team has already been hard at work and expect to have 2-3 tracks with 20+ great speakers including many sessions in German.

Tickets are now available!

If you would like to help with the organisation or volunteer please contact us via:  vienna@wordcamp.org

Continue reading “Welcome to WordCamp Vienna”

What is a WordPress contributor day and why should I come?

Contributor day gives you a special opportunity to work together and learn from some of the best contributors in the community. Together you too can contribute to the awesome CMS that runs about 30% of all the websites on the web.  On this day you have a perfect chance to give something back to the community and you will definitely learn a lot in the process.

Everyone is welcome and you can contribute regardless of your skill level. You don’t have to be a developer or a designer to start contributing.  If you have never contributed before, this is a perfect time to get started. You will be guided by experienced contributors in a friendly and relaxed environment. So take the chance of taking both WordPress and yourself to the next level.

It’s really fun and rewarding and after a day of presentations you get a chance to learn by doing. You will also meet a lot of nice and interesting people to expand your network.

A lot of people think the contributor days are more rewarding than the main WordCamp event, both in terms of knowledge and networking.

In addition to the usual WordPress Contributor Day Sessions we also plan to  offer several 2-3 hour workshops.

Come learn how WordPress is made and help make WordPress!

See you there!

The Contributor / Workshop Day will be held on Sunday, 28th April.  
Times and location will be announced soon.