Marta Torre

Marta Torre

Marta Torre is a fullstack web developer dedicated to working on projects that have a positive impact on the world. Marta is a dreamer who believes that technology has the power to transform lives and make a difference in the world. She’ll tell you that she became a developer to change the world, but it was the world itself that made her a better developer.

Marta is a passionate advocate for social justice, diversity, sustainability, privacy, web accessibility, and ethics in technology. She is an active volunteer in the #WPDiversity team, and in Spain, she led the first local diversity table in the world, something she takes immense pride in.

Recently, Marta became a part of the WordPress plugin review team, a role that demands responsibility and caution. In addition, she also collaborates with various other WordPress teams, including support, polyglots, core, photo, and plugins. Furthermore, Marta is the organizer of the Santander meetup.
