
Venue of both days

Campus of the University of Vienna – Altes AKH
Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Vienna, Austria

If you are new to WordCamp Vienna, check the map of the Campus (PDF)

It’s a modern, professional conference venue with great accessibility and lifts to all floors.

We’ve listed some hotels and hostels that are close to the venue and are easily accessed by metro or bike.

Our Social Media Hashtag: #wcvie

Friday: Contributor / Workshop Day

Fr, April 5, from 13:30 to 18:00

On the day before the main conference, early afternoon, we’ll meet for the contributor day to have a lot of interesting workshops at Aula (Hof 1), Hörsaal C2 and Seminarraum III (Hof 2).

Coffee Breaks include sweet and salty snacks including gluten-free options, and are served in the foyer in front of Hörsaal C2

Make sure to bring your Laptop with you to fully take benefit of the learnings in the workshops!

Saturday: Conference Day

Sa, April 6, 2024 from 8:00 to 18:00

There will be 3 tracks of WordPress focused learning, with one track in German and one track in English, and a Developer Track (mostly in english) at Aula (Hof 1), Hörsaal C1 and C2 (Hof 2)

Coffee Breaks include sweet and salty snacks including gluten-free options, and are served in the foyer in front of Hörsaal C2

Lunch at Conference Day is provided at Bierheuriger zum Gangl (Hof 1). Your ticket includes a three-course meal (vegan option available), and the excellent Vienna tap water, coming directly from the Alps.

After Party

Following the conference, there will be an afterparty at restaurant Stiegl Ambulanz (Hof 1, across Billa Supermarket). Your ticket includes access to the party and one coupon for a free drink.

For accessibility information please head over to our dedicated page.