Presenting our Global Sponsor bluehost

Our valued sponsors help support the WordPress open source project by donating to WordCamp Vienna. Without them, this event simply would not be possible. We are grateful to bluehost for providing us with their support as a Global Sponsor!

Bluehost has been a WordPress partner since 2005, and powers over 2 million websites across the world with reliable hosting and personalized guidance. By leveraging the power of WordPress, Bluehost provides the fast website creation methods coupled with intuitive management tools. From secure automated WordPress installations to advanced marketing tools and services, and access to specialized WordPress experts, Bluehost is the best place to build, grow, and scale an online presence.

Presenting our Diamond-Sponsor Yoast

Our valued sponsors help support the WordPress open source project by donating to WordCamp Vienna. Without them, this event simply would not be possible. We are grateful to Yoast for providing us with their support with a Diamond-Sponsoring!

We are Yoast!
Yoast helps you to get the most out of your website by making SEO available for everyone. You might know our Yoast SEO plugin; which has now over 12 million active installs worldwide. The Yoast SEO plugin makes doing SEO much easier. It offers you many tools and features to help you create a better-performing site, improve your rankings and gain more visitors, saving you a bunch of time!

Blockonomics – Thank you for Sponsoring!

Why Blockonomics is Sponsoring WordCamp — Vienna 2022?

If there’s one thing that we at Blockonomics believe in its the spreading of ideas to benefit society. That’s why we operate, to better society in our own little niche and make it easier for business owners to sell their goods and services online though Bitcoin. Our software is also open source. WordCamps are a prime example of this same idea. It is a group of people getting together as a community and sharing ideas to help everyone who uses WordPress.

Therefore it stands to reason we’d be proud to supporting such initiatives. Sponsoring the Vienna WordCamp 2022 is a great honor. Our fully remote team has been planning to organize a get together, and the opportunity presented itself to kill two birds with one stone as it were. We get to support a great get together and meet together for the first time in a long time.

Here are some more in depth reasons why sponsoring the Vienna WordCamp 2022 is a thing we are very proud of.

We get to Give Back

We are the number one Bitcoin payment processor on WordPress. The vast majority of our clients use WordPress and WooCommerce to build and run their ecommerce shops. And we couldn’t do it without them. But we also couldn’t have become number one without support from other devs, entrepreneurs, and users that make WordPress so popular. WordPress is used in so many countless ways, and we are proud to have done our little part to make it slightly better.

But we want to give back to that community. By sponsoring these get togethers we can help ensure they will continue far into the future. These platforms for the exchange of ideas is vital to help WordPress to continue to grow and we want to continue them.

And the Vienna WordCamp has some of the finest exchange of ideas. Looking at the schedule one can see wonderful panels, both in English and German, ranging in topics from personal branding on WordPress to ecommerce in the EU.

We get to Share and Receive Criticism

But of course as a business, we also want to share our products. The Vienna WordCamp gives us a good place to share our newest endevours in the WordPress ecommerce sphere. We can connect with many clients and show them what we have to offer.

But more importantly we can receive feedback. We thrive on customer feedback, that is part of what made us number 1 on WordPress. By being able to talk with customers in person, show them what we offer, and hear what they need, we can improve our services quite a bit. Sales and Marketing staff won’t just be on the ground, but our developers as well. They will be there to be able to handle the technical specifics, and to directly hear the feedback so we can better implement it. That way we know we are listening to our clients.

In Summary

We are very excited to sponsor the Vienna WordCamp 2022. As the number one WordPress Bitcoin payment processor, the WordPress community is something dear and precious to us. The software world thrives on the exchanging of ideas and we want to help facilitate that where ever we can. If you make your way to Vienna on April 24–25 please stop by and see us.We’ll be running a booth in the exhibition hall and will have some free goodies and an opportunity to learn more about us! We’re excited for it!

Danke an die Krone!

Unsere Sponsoren unterstützen die WordPress-Community. Ohne sie wäre das WordCamp Vienna nicht möglich. Wir bedanken uns bei für die Unterstützung als DIAMOND-Sponsor.

Wer es nicht weiß: die Krone arbeitet auch mit WordPress, folgendes schreibt sie darüber:

Bei uns siehst du, wozu WordPress wirklich fähig ist!

Ein paar Kennziffern:

  • wp_posts: 2.200.898 Datensätze
  • wp_post_meta: 50.530.594 Datensätze
  • 5TB Traffic / Tag
  • Mio Requests  / Tag
  • 2-5 deployments / Tag

Zudem erfährst du, welche Produkte die Kronen Zeitung digital anbietet, diskutierst mit unserem Head of Development über die Feinheiten und Tücken des WordPress Codings und hast die Chance, Teil des Developer Teams zu werden.

Wenn Du WordPress-Skills besitzt, mit Symfony, Kubernetes und API’s  umgehen kannst, hast du die Möglichkeit, dich direkt vor Ort zu bewerben.

Seit 1998 ist Krone Multimedia (KMM) für das Multimedia-Engagement des Krone-Verlages verantwortlich. Eine eigene Online-Mannschaft geht in Navigation und Design innovative Wege und erweitert mediengerecht erfolgreich das Angebot der Tageszeitung.

Zentral für den langjährigen Erfolg sind Experten aus den Bereichen Redaktion, Produktentwicklung, Technik, Marketing und Web, die neben tagesaktuellen News und Inhalten, laufender Weiterentwicklung des Angebots für Leser und Kunden gleichermaßen auch die beeindruckenden Wachstumsraten der Portale verantworten. 

Danke an unseren DIAMOND-Sponsor Omniploy

Unsere Sponsoren unterstützen die WordPress-Community. Ohne sie wäre das WordCamp Vienna nicht möglich. Wir bedanken uns bei Omniploy für die Unterstützung als DIAMOND-Sponsor.


Omniploy ist eine Gesamtlösung für dein WordPress E-Mail Management. Als Omniploy Nutzer hast du ein grundlegendes technisches Problem weniger und kannst dich vollkommen auf die Erstellung deiner WordPress Projekte kümmern. Jeder versendet E-Mails. Auch deine WordPress Website. Doch wie macht das WordPress? Du hast sicher schonmal die Erfahrungen gemacht, dass E-Mails über das Kontaktformular aus einem unerklärlichen Grund im Spam Ordner landen oder gar nicht erst ankommen, oder?

Der meist offensichtliche Grund: Eine falsche E-Mail-Konfiguration. Aber was ist die Lösung? Zuerst benötigst du einen E-Mail-Server oder einen E-Mail Provider, der deine E-Mails versendet. WordPress kann das nämlich nicht sehr gut. Als nächstes musst du noch WordPress mitteilen, wie es die E-Mail zu deinem E-Mail Provider weitergibt, damit dieser auch deine E-Mail versenden kann. Der Standard ist SMTP. Dafür gibt es viele gute SMTP Plugins, die dies ermöglichen. Wenn du jetzt noch alles ordnungsgemäß konfigurierst, solltest du keine Probleme mit dem E-Mail-Versand deiner WordPress Websites mehr haben.

Oder du überlässt dein E-Mail Management Omniploy und profitierst von unserem One Click install und fokussierst dich voll auf die Entwicklung von WordPress Websites.

Noch etwas unklar, wie Omniploy funktioniert? Dann besuche uns am 23.04.2022 am WordCamp in Wien #WCVIE oder sieh dir unser neues Erklärvideo an.

We care about email, so you don’t have to.

Welcome to WordCamp Vienna 2022

Wordcamp Vienna Attendees

We are happy to announce WordCamp Vienna is returning on April 23-24.2022! It will be at the same great venue, UNI Campus in the Altes AKH.

Behind the scenes, the WordCamp Vienna organizing team has already been hard at work and expect to have 3 tracks with 20+ great speakers including many sessions in German and English.

If you would like to help with the organisation or volunteer please contact us via:

Continue reading “Welcome to WordCamp Vienna 2022”