COVID measures

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For your safety:
The most important COVID-19 measures for a safe event visit.

Updated on 20.04.2022

Since your health is important to us, and we not only want to enable you to have an exciting event but above all to ensure that you visit the event safely and pleasantly, we have summarized the most important questions about the COVID-19 measures here.

Recommendation for access to the venue

According to the COVID-19 Basic Measures Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Social, Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, no vaccination or test certificate is required to participate in the event.

Nevertheless, we highly recommend that you only attend the event with a valid COVID vaccination or a negative COVID test in order to be able to guarantee the greatest possible safety for all participants.

Please only visit WordCamp Vienna if you don’t have any COVID-19 symptoms!

FFP2 masks mandatory

FFP2 masks are mandatory in all buildings, including during lectures in the lecture halls and during breaks.

The mask may only be removed in rooms during the consumption of food and drinks and only at specially designated places.

Keep distance

Please always keep your distance from other visitors and pass bottlenecks quickly. This also applies to the seats in the lecture halls.


Please disinfect your hands, disinfectant dispensers are available.

Contact Tracing

Due to official requirements, we are obliged to record additional contact data (e.g. telephone number) in addition to surname, first name, and e-mail address. This data is collected in the course of the ticket purchase and processed strictly in the sense of data protection exclusively for the purpose of contact person tracking and only transmitted to the district administration authority on request. The data protection provisions of the 4th COVID-19 Measures Ordinance, §18 apply.

If an infection occurs, this serves to accelerate the official inquiries and to inform you quickly.

With our measures, we not only fulfill the ordinance of the federal government and the requirements of the event location but also our need to be able to offer you a safe environment for a successful event.

Since individual measures in the regulation can change, and we have to react flexibly to such changes, we recommend that all participants inform themselves about the currently valid measures on this page shortly before the day of the event.

We look forward to experiencing an exciting, successful, and safe WordCamp Vienna 2022 with you.