Heather Burns

Heather Burns

As a tech policy and regulation specialist, I educate the profession on the policy issues which impact our work, inspire communities to participate constructively in the regulatory sphere, and represent digital professionals in the governance processes which shape the web. I currently work with clients across tech policy, digital rights, privacy, and the games sector.

A 20-time WordCamp and local meetup speaker across the UK and Europe, I am a component maintainer for the core-privacy team and a co-founder of the cross-CMS privacy coalition with WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and Umbraco. In 2019 I was named a Mozilla Open Leader in support of the latter initiative. I’m the author of a forthcoming book on privacy for developers being published by Smashing Magazine.

I’ve been a member of the WordPress community since 2009, designing web sites since 1996, and smacking keyboards since cassette drives.
