Thank you to TOWA for being a Gold sponsor

Our valued sponsors help support the WordPress open source project by donating to WordCamp Vienna. Without them, this event simply would not be possible. We are grateful to TOWA for providing us with their support!

TOWA is an award winning digital agency located in Bregenz, the most western part of Austria – right next to the borders to Germany and Switzerland. The agency with its 32 employees is specialized in digital enterprise communication. The team consists of consultants, coders, marketers and designers who work in close collaboration to create successful, compelling solutions for local and international brands and organizations.

TOWA provides enterprise WordPress solutions reaching from corporate websites for SMBs, multisite-solutions for multi-national corporations, web shops, to tourism portals or intranet solutions. Next to web- and mobile development TOWA offers a full-service approach including hosting, managed service and online marketing.

TOWA is certified by Google and Facebook and is part of “E3”, an international agency network. To find out more about all our products and services like Virtual Reality etc., please visit our website

WordCamp Vienna 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!