Thank you to WooThemes for being a Gold sponsor

Our valued sponsors help support the WordPress open source project by donating to WordCamp Vienna. Without them this event simply would not be possible. We are grateful to WooThemes for providing us with their support!

WooThemes is well known vendor for premium themes and plugins for WordPress. An international business, founded in South Africa, their growing diverse team is now over 50 people in 16 countries. From their humble beginnings selling a handful of commercial WordPress themes they now offer a huge catalog of feature rich themes, and a suite of plugins that extend your WordPress experience.

Their flagship product WooCommerce is a freely available and hugely popular eCommerce platform. Powered by WordPress and built by WooThemes, the goal of WooCommerce is to allow you to sell anything online – beautifully. You can integrate with payment processors, easily manage shipping methods and inventory, set up flexible tax rules, and view detailed store reports all from your WordPress dashboard. With a free core platform and hundreds of premium add-ons available, WooCommerce allows you to set up an online shop with functionality catered to your store’s needs.


WordCamp Vienna 2015 is over. Check out the next edition!